Sentient Or Not, Google’s LaMDA Chatbot Is Some Seriously Powerful Tech

You might soon speak with LaMDA as a friend and get it to shape your online experience.

Alex Kantrowitz
4 min readJul 29, 2022

When I sat down with Blake Lemoine last week, I was more interested in the chatbot technology he called sentient — LaMDA — than the sentience issue itself. Personhood questions aside, modern chatbots are incredibly frustrating (ever try changing a flight via text?). So if Google’s tech was good enough to make Lemoine, one of its senior engineers, believe it was a person, that advance was worth investigating.

As our conversation began, Lemoine revealed Google had just fired him (you can listen in full on Big Technology Podcast) following his widely covered
decision to reveal to the public that he believes LaMDA is a sentient A.I. When I wrote up the news, it became an international story. But now, one week later, I can’t stop thinking about how LaMDA — conscious or not — might change the way we relate to technology.

In Lemoine’s telling, LaMDA’s conversational abilities are rich, situationally aware, and filled with personality. When Lemoine told LaMDA he was about to manipulate it, the bot responded, “this is going to suck for me.” When he pressed it on complex issues, it tried to change the subject…



Alex Kantrowitz

Veteran journalist covering Big Tech and society. Subscribe to my newsletter here: